Sunday, January 23, 2022


 Unit Overview

As part of the CIPD Level 5 certification programme, students are required to conduct research on an HR topic in a specific industry. Students should demonstrate their abilities to do research and evaluate various research materials in order to improve their knowledge of the study topic. CIPD level 5 students will benefit from this study by better understanding how to apply what they've learned. The evaluation lets students review important information sources and draw conclusions to support the improvement of the HR issue that is affecting the company.

Learning Outcomes 

  • Research concerns that influence firms must be clearly identified. In addition, describe why you choose the study topic you did.
  • Make use of secondary sources of knowledge to assess how those difficulties can be resolved.
  • Defend the study topic's importance by articulating clearly defined goals for the project.
  • To justify the need for further investigation, explain the merits and shortcomings of the various sources studied.
  • Be able to present information in a business report using a combination of narrative and diagrammatic approaches.

An outline for your text

Students must create a document outlining the most important aspects of their study, including clearly defined subheadings that demonstrate that they have performed all of the required steps. This is critical if you want your students to be able to properly share the knowledge they acquire from their study. In order to ensure a well-organized document, students should follow the tutor's plan and structure as a guide while conducting their research.

Research should be organised in a way that includes the following elements.
In most cases, the teacher provides the cover page information, such as the name of the student, the name of the instructor, and the number of words in the document. The study topic, which the student should have thoroughly established, is the most critical factor for the student. There should be no ambiguity in the title of the research, nor should it be excessively long or difficult in any way. Audiences are guided in their understanding of what the research is all about by the research topic. There are two ways to structure a title: either as a declarative statement, or as a question. Titles like this demonstrate the quality of a well-written research paper;

  • Analyzing the value of employee learning and development in enhancing output at ABC
  • the efficiency of recruiting and selection techniques in the healthcare industry in finding the best applicants for the position
  • A case study of XYZ Company's impact on employee well-being based on absence and turnover statistics
  • The abstract/executive summary summarises the report's main points, including the study's purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions and recommendations. It should be brief but thorough. This section assists busy executives grasp what the researcher has done in the research and its importance to bringing about outcomes that support good comprehension and improvement of the research issue..

  • The content page provides an overview of the research's primary topics and subtopics. The content page's target audience may quickly and easily find the information they seek.

  • Researchers begin their research with an introduction, which serves as an introduction to their topic and provides context for their work. Subtopics in the introduction should include the research's purpose and objectives, and a list of relevant stakeholders.

  • When conducting a literature review, a researcher looks at secondary sources to see what else has been written about the subject matter.

  • Literature reviews can be differentiated from one another by comparing and contrasting the research methodologies utilised in each source. Justification of the selected research should be the first subheading under this topic, to show why the research source is important. Research methodologies are analysed for their merits and limitations in the second subsection. The third category is the application of the findings from the research to the business or sector studied.

  • Line graphs, bar charts, and pie charts should be utilised to convey the results of the research, following a review and evaluation of the methodology used.

  • The final section of the research includes a well-developed conclusion and recommendations for how to improve the research area based on the results gained from the investigation.

  • The sources utilised to complete the research are listed in the references section. There should be dependable, up-to-date sources. The Harvard referencing style has been certified by the CIPD and should be used.

Following the completion of the course, the target audiences or readers should be able to assess the research conducted by the students who completed this level of education. Presentation of the study document should draw the attention of the audience while at the same time ensuring that it persuades the audience As a result, the data given must persuade the audience that the study's various components have been thoroughly examined in order to arrive at conclusions that support the goal of the study.

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