The use of coaching and mentoring as tactics and approaches to professional and personal management development has exploded in popularity inside organisations. Coaching and mentoring have grown in popularity in professional practice and have been studied academically. However, professional study and writing indicate that a variety of challenges, concerns, and effective practices must be considered while implementing these processes and methods. This cipd level 7 unit is very informative for students.
Module's Purpose and Objectives
The research and writing highlight unsolved questions regarding contemporary coaching and mentoring practise, and this module advocates for an evidence-based approach. This enables the development of intellectual, social, and professional abilities required for designing, implementing, and practising coaching and mentoring programmes and services in the workplace. The implementation of these programmes will benefit organisational performance and personal growth.
Additionally, the course promotes critical awareness and knowledge of the promise and limitations of mentoring and coaching models, frameworks, and related theories by challenging simplistic and prescriptive views of mentoring and coaching.
The module delves into the implications for professional practise and asks learners to engage in critical reflection on theory and practise from an ethical and professional perspective. Additionally, it gives possibilities for applied learning and professional development.
Who is a Good Candidate for this Module?
This module is appropriate for students who meet the following criteria:
Have responsibility for human resources (HR) decision-making at many levels of an organisation, such as strategic, operational, and tactical.
Have aspirations for a career in human resources and CIPD professional membership.
Are self-employed or independent consultants who assist organisations in achieving their objectives
Are you an HR professional currently working in a team or functional management capacity and looking to advance your career?
Have responsibilities and duties related to human resources functions and activities within an organisation but do not have a specialist position
What are the Educational Objectives?
After completing this unit, learners should be able to:
Evaluate the various mentoring and coaching models and frameworks critically.
Demonstrate and apply a critical and informed awareness of the psychological theories and concepts that underpin the design and implementation of mentoring and coaching. This may contain a variety of theories about learning, emotional intelligence, and personal growth, as well as the change and development of the organisation.
Develop and implement organizational-based coaching and mentoring strategies while taking a variety of contextual considerations into account.
Assist an individual in a variety of professional, personal, and professional contexts using knowledgeable, professional, and successful mentoring and coaching services.
Conduct yourself professionally and responsibly, demonstrating a commitment to opportunity equity and diversity in mentoring and coaching practise, as well as to ongoing professional and personal development.
What is the Evaluation Mode?
This module is assessed in a variety of methods. Summative evaluation accounts for at least 50% of the learning outcomes. The remaining learning outcomes are assessed by activities such as the ones below that involve learning, teaching, and formative assessment.
Work activities that are integrated
Presentations in groups and alone
Time-constrained examinations
Apart from these ways, competency-based exams may be administered at centres that have been approved for this assessment approach and employ occupationally competent assessors. Additionally, accredited CIPD centres may develop their own methods of assessing their pupils, but these must be approved prior to implementation.
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